Monday, 5 March 2012

Water Water Water

Most of you have heard that there has been lots of rain in southern Australia. We certainly had plenty of the wet stuff at Claremont with around 200mm or 8 inched falling in 5 days. The poor sheep looked very sad, cold and wet.
This picture was taken about a kilometre from our house on Saturday night. It looks like you could drive over the road but the water was running very fast. Last year a car was swept off the road in this very spot only the fence on the left hand side saved the car. The water rose higher through the night but by 11:30 Sunday the water had receded.  

February 2011

Almost the same view taken in February 2011. You can see the car on the mid left of the picture it was swept off the road luckliy the occupants escaped unharmed.

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